This handbook is for teachers who have purchased one of my digital writing resources like The Complete Guide to Writing (Print & Digital) and 80 Writing Prompts (Print and Digital).
Accessing your digital files & sharing them with students on Google Classroom
Each digital writing activity has a link in it, which will prompt you to save a copy of the resource into your Google Drive. Once it’s there, you can easily share it with students by uploading the assignment to Google Classroom. Watch the tutorial below for more information on how to do this.
If you access the version from Teachers Pay Teachers that automatically makes a copy of the folder in your drive, you will not need to do the first step with a link in the document.
If You Get Stuck
If you’re having trouble and you’ve tried everything, but still can’t figure something out, please e-mail me. I’ll get back to you within 48 hours, but it’s usually sooner. If you need more immediate help, try asking a student that’s great with technology, or another teacher that you know also uses Google Classroom.
Digital Complete Guide to Writing
Tips for Student Use
Student use is very simple. The most important thing to remember is that students should have the pages open in Google Slides. On devices like the iPad, this will be through the Google Slides app. On a computer, this will be through the web-based Google Slides. Watch the video below for information on how students open the file in Google Classroom and for tips on how I use the Google Slides tools to have students interact with the writing pages.
Teaching These Lessons
Remember that this is not a resource you provide to students and then step away from. It’s meant to be scaffolded in the form of mini-lessons. Read the teacher guide carefully for suggestions on how to teach each part of the writing process for that type of writing. Use the provided teacher examples for your 10-15 minute mini-lesson before having students move on to doing it themselves.
Using Google Docs
When students begin writing their paragraphs, it’s important that they do so in a Google Doc that is saved to their drive. Writing paragraphs on Google Slides can be difficult, and Google Docs give them more functionality they need for their drafts. Students can easily switch screens between their notes and their documents.
Digital Writing Prompts
Need to purchase? These prompts can be purchased on my site here.
These are separate resources from the Complete Guide to Writing units and are meant for early finishers, extra practice, or new prompts to use the writing process for future units.