If you’re getting ready to start test prep, this ultimate test prep bundle has everything you need for reading, writing, and math! With 6 complete resources focused on preparing your students for state testing and end of the year testing, you’ll have your students ready to rock the test in no time!
Check out the preview to see more details about this resource!
About the Reading Test Prep:
This resource includes a set of four reading comprehension assessments that require students to analyze two texts on the same topic.
- 2 literature assessments
- 2 informational text assessments
Each assessment has:
- a set of paired texts where students are required to answer questions based on both texts
- written response component where students integrate information from both texts in their response
At the end of each assessment, students can complete the data tracking sheet to determine which reading skills they are doing well with and which reading skills they need to improve upon. 
The assessments are also available as a self-grading Google form assessment. These assessments can be taken by students who do not have Google student accounts, making them a great addition to this resource and a huge time-saver for you!
About the Writing Test Prep:
This resource includes 4 complete writing test prep resources. Each resource prepares students for writing a text-based opinion essay, a text-based informational/explanatory essay, a text-based narrative, and a text-dependent analysis essay, and is designed to meet the expectations of various state writing tests.
Writing types included:
- Opinion Writing
- Informational/Explanatory Writing
- Text-Dependent Analysis
- Narrative Writing
This resource includes eight full prompts and essays (two for each writing type).
Throughout each engaging writing unit students will read a text, find evidence for use in their essays, use sentence frames to cite evidence in their writing, and write a complete essay.
Included in each writing test prep resource:
- Teacher guide
- RAFT response acronym
- Sentence starters scaffold
- Text annotation bookmark
- Writing checklist
- Prompt analysis checklist
- Engaging texts
- Note-taking graphic organizer
- Rubric
- Exemplars
- Publishing pages
About the Math Test Prep Resource:
Review all your grade-level math standards with this print and digital math booklet! It’s perfect for test prep or end of the year review. This resource provides 100 spiral review math questions that focus on specific CCSS-aligned math skills. Each standard is covered multiple times throughout the resource.
This math booklet is fully editable in both the printable version and the digital Google Slides version. Plus, tutorials are included to make assigning, editing, and using this resource super simple and user-friendly.
All questions are aligned to a Data Tracking Sheet, which your students can use to track their skill mastery and determine which skills need more practice.
Copyright © Performing in Education, LLC. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only unless additional licenses are purchased. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view (distributing to your students and their families on an elearning platform or through email is not considered posting for public view). Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use only.
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