2-LS2-1 This no prep science packet is perfect for teaching a 5 day unit about the needs of plants and how to conduct an investigation on what plants need to survive. This unit not only teaches about scientific investigations and whether plants need sunlight and water for survival, but it also includes vocabulary practice and a real-world connection.
This unit includes all printable worksheets and a Google version for distance learning or classroom devices. Aligned to NGSS.
No-Prep Science Packets
Just print the pages + the pacing guide and you’re planned for science this week! This resource includes:
- Directions for classroom and homeschool use
- Additional video suggestions
- 5-day pacing calendar
- Folder or packet cover for the unit
- Engaging anchor text
- Vocabulary
- Graphic organizers
- Paragraph writing
- Assessment
- Answer Key
There’s no extra planning or prep work for this resource! Just read the directions and the whole unit is ready to share with your students as print copies or digitally on Google Classroom!
Click here to find other topics.
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