ELA-LITERACY-Reading: Literature-Grade 4
Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.
4th & 5th Grade Winter Escape Room | Winter Break Reading Review
4th Grade End of the Year Activities, Reading Review, Math Review, Memory Book
April Reading Homework for 4th & 5th Financial Literacy Theme PAPER-SAVING
August Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER-SAVING
December Read-Aloud Unit | Use With The Carpenter’s Gift | 4th – 6th Grade
December Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER-SAVING color text-based evidence
FREE Digital Interactive Reading Notebook for Theme | Theme Reading Unit
March Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER-SAVING color text-based evidence
October Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER-SAVING color text-based evidence
Paper Saving Reading Homework/Reading Test Prep for 4th & 5th YEAR LONG BUNDLE
Picture Book Read Aloud Units | Year-Long Bundle of Reading Lessons | 4th-6th
Reading Test Prep, Writing Test Prep, & Math Test Prep | 4th Grade Bundle