When I talk to teachers, one of the biggest struggles I hear is making time for daily grammar. Grammar is a skill that is often taught in magical pockets of time that only appear when the stars align! Nevertheless, I’ve found that the best way to ensure my students get consistent grammar practice is by making it the first thing we do each morning.
If your classroom is anything like mine, mornings are hectic. As soon as the bell rings, students come rushing in, chattering over the announcements as they haphazardly throw their lunchboxes in a bin and dig through an overflowing binder for last night’s homework.
Setting up a morning routine is imperative. You want to make the most of every minute students are in your classroom. That’s why I developed Daily Grammar Practice sheets. This simple spiral review gets everyone focused right away AND my students get to practice their grammar skills. Today I’m sharing a month-long sample with you!

Prep Your Daily Grammar Routine
There are a few ways you can organize the daily grammar review materials. Decide which way will work best for your students and your classroom.
Distribute Papers Daily
Some teachers print out a week’s worth of pages and cut them in half. Then, it’s easy to grab each day’s stack and place them on a table for students to pick up as they enter the classroom. This is the method I use. My students know to grab a grammar half-sheet as soon as they come in and go straight to their seats to get to work.

Make Quarterly Packets
Other teachers prefer to make a packet for each student with the set of daily grammar pages for the entire quarter. This can help to minimize transition time. Students keep their packet in their desks, a mailbox, or a cubby. However, keep in mind that this method can lead to students working ahead.

Use the Digital Version
If your students have one-to-one devices, consider assigning the daily grammar pages digitally. You can make a copy of the digital slides for each student and assign it via Google Classroom. This can help to prevent lost papers, and most students are more motivated to work using technology.
Morning Classroom Procedures
The best way to guarantee a smooth morning routine is by planning out each part. Think about the practical needs of your students, and what elements of your school or classroom procedures will apply. Ask yourself:
- How will students enter the classroom? Some teachers allow students to enter intermittently as they arrive on campus, others have students come in all at once in an orderly line.
- Where will students go first? Do they need to hang up their backpack or turn in homework? Place bins or trays strategically near the entrance so these things can be done right away.
- What are the expectations for talking and moving around? Many teachers prefer students move quickly to their desks and stay quietly seated until after morning announcements. This takes lots of practice, but it can be done!

In my classroom, I greet students at the door with a high-five and a smile. They grab a daily grammar page from a table near the door and go straight to their seats, where they unpack their binders and lay their homework out. While students work on their daily grammar, I quickly move from desk to desk to check that their homework is complete. This gives me a chance to check in with each student, and take care of any morning business right away.
Teaching with the Daily Grammar Review
These grammar pages are designed to take 5-10 minutes a day. There are 5 questions per day, which is perfect for completing as a bellringer activity. Remember, this is a review, so it covers concepts you have previously taught. (I typically introduce grammar skills using a mini-lesson, and my students especially love these interactive digital grammar lessons!)
As soon as morning announcements are over, my students put away their pencils and take out a red pen. I go over each question by calling on students and we mark the answers together. If students made an error during their independent work time, they can still get points for correcting it with their pen.

I can typically get a pulse on how well the class understands each concept by the end of the week. Because of the spiraling nature of this resource, I know it will circle back to review each skill several times throughout the year. However, I still collect the grammar pages daily, and sort through them to see which students may need extra help.
Using these pages as a consistent, daily warm-up has given my students a solid grammar foundation, and I know it will make a difference for your students too!
Want more daily grammar reviews? I’ve got year-long bundles for grades 2-6 with 36 weeks of editable pages in print and digital. Click the links below to find out more.