ELA-LITERACY-Reading: Informational Text-Grade 4
Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
February Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER SAVING Presidents
Informational Text Structures: Complete Lesson for Interactive Notebooks RI.5
June Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER-SAVING color text-based evidence
Monthly Literacy Centers | Reading Centers | Writing Centers | 2nd-5th | Set 10
Non-Fiction Text Structures | Informational Text Structure Graphic Organizers
November Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER-SAVING color text-based evidence
September Reading Homework for 4th & 5th PAPER-SAVING color text-based evidence
St. Patrick’s Day Reading Escape Room | 4th & 5th Grade Informational Text Game
St. Patrick’s Day Reading Escape Room Bundle | Print & Digital Game
Text Structure Digital & Print Reading Packet